How to Create a "Digital Business Card" in Flipdeck

Stand out. Be different.

Have you ever put someone's business card in your pocket, only to find it partially disintegrated in the laundry a week later? Even when they're designed well, traditional business cards are easy to lose. And if you can lose cards given to you... that means your cards can easily get lost, too.

Going modern with a digital business card can be a great way to introduce yourself and share contact information with new connections — and Flipdeck makes it easy to stand out. Here's how to do it!

Step 1: Decide the impression you want to make

There's more to you than just your name, address, email, phone number, and logo. Flipdeck gives you the tools to build a fully customizable digital business card that lets customers get to know you beyond the basics.

Think outside the box and decide what high value items you want to share. Here are some ideas:

  • A personal introduction video
  • Your LinkedIn profile
  • Links to blog posts and articles you've written
  • Testimonials
  • Anything that provides value to new connections

In the past, most people only had one version of their business card. With a digital business card, you can have as many versions as you like — even tailor specific versions for key clients. As you're strategizing, think about the impression you want to make for each client, and plan your high value items accordingly.

Step 2: Create your cards in Flipdeck

Now that you know what you want to say, Flipdeck can help you say it with style. Create a reusable, easily shareable card (or cards) in just a few steps:

Give your business card a title

Whether you choose to keep it formal or conversational, use your card title to make a strong, authentic first impression.

Add an image to make your card pop

A picture is worth a thousand words, so connect visually with your headshot, a press photo, even an animated GIF from your intro video.

TIP: If the image you're trying to use exceeds file size limits (5MB), try saving your LinkedIn profile image — it's probably already compressed to the perfect size!

Add text to introduce yourself

Think of this section like your virtual handshake. Include a personal greeting, your key contact info, and any other details you'd share during an in-person interaction.

Add links to stand out with added value

Go beyond the basics while providing value for new connections. Link to your email, website, and the high value items you identified in Step 1. Customize link sections for easy organization and visual appeal.

Step 3: Deliver your high-impact cards with ease

Once your digital business cards have been created, they can be shared again and again in just a few clicks.

To send via email, simply choose "Send" from the card menu to open the Send Cards screen. Add a recipient, customize the subject line, and add a personal message.

You can also add digital business cards to a custom Flipdeck Collection — a personalized landing page for your content. Simply choose "New Collection" from the card menu to create a new collection (or choose "Add to Collection" to add to an existing collection). Name the collection, add a description, and add a footer if you wish. Then, simply copy the URL to your clipboard to share via text, LinkedIn message, social media post, and more.

Ready to get started creating your new digital business card? Log in to your Flipdeck account.

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