Why We Created Flipdeck

“Before focusing on software development, Presentek produced digital content for companies large and small. We created Flipdeck because our customers struggled to organize and deliver the content that was being created for them. The common complaint was that the people who were supposed to benefit from all our great content couldn't find it. If they did stumble across it, they were not given any clue of how to use it — and no one really knew what was being used and what wasn't.

In 2016 we released an iOS app and then a year later we announced Flipdeck was available as a cloud-based software solution. Our aim all along has been to let our users present their great content in a way that’s visually compelling, clean and simple. Trading cards and game cards served as our inspiration for the idea of putting links to any content on visual Flipdeck Cards. We believe we’re on to something and our customer testimonials seem to echo that. There’s information below if you want to check out Flipdeck for yourself. I hope you will join us!”

lee mayfield

Lee Mayfield
President of Presentek, Inc.
Founder, Flipdeck

What can you do with it?

Organize and deliver your content in a simple, easy-to-consume digital format with a clean, visual presentation your recipients with love.