Choose the Flipdeck plan that’s right for you.

Billed monthly
Billed annually (SAVE $$)

Try It* Buy Now!


Good first step

$25 / user
(billed monthly)
Get $10 off your first payment when you buy today! Use code


Great for solo operators

$40 / user
(billed monthly)
  • Create Cards
  • Email Cards
  • Publish Card Collection landing pages (up to 50)
  • Enhanced Analytics dashboards
  • Brand Collections and emails with your own logo
Get $20 off your first payment when you buy today! Use code


Ideal for organizations to start and expand

Starting from
$695 / month
includes 5 users

All Professional Features, and:

  • Add any number of users (license required)
  • Low-cost user license types
  • Enhanced user administration
  • Concierge-level Support
  • Expanded limits for Collections and Stories
  • URL Shortening
  • Google Analytics integration

*Free Trials are for 15 days and include Professional account features. Your account type can be changed on purchase. No credit card required to try Flipdeck.

Flipdeck Production Services

Let our pros do your Playbook, Product Launch or Story. You'll save time and money and will love the results.


Digital Playbook

Flipdeck Digital Playbook Example

Empower your sales leaders, your new reps, or your partners with a modern, visual playbook.

Standard Playbook
See a sample

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Product Info Kit

Flipdeck Info Kit Example

What's important in a launch kit is that it stands out, gets attention, and generates action.

Standard Info Kit
See a sample

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Online Story

Flipdeck Story Example

Present your story a simple, easy-to-consume digital format and set yourself apart.

Standard Story
See a sample

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Flipdeck Services are also available to produce trade show launch pages, Training Kits, Onboarding Kits, and more.

Service includes consultation, planning, design services, production, editing and finalization. Flipdeck Services are available with PROFESSIONAL and ENTERPRISE plans.

Partner with Flipdeck

Whether you're a marketing agency, a software solution provider, a reseller or consultant, we'd like to talk to you about recommending Flipdeck to your clients.

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