A Product Launch Kit That Stands Out

The content in a product or service launch kit is important — but even more important is having a launch kit that stands out, gets attention, and generates action.

Is your launch kit performing at its best?

Whether your launch kit is internal for reps selling the new product or external for the end customer, you’re competing for your audience’s attention, buy-in, and action. So why create a boring launch kit that’s just like the competition — done in the same old way it’s always been done? Choose NEW, choose DIFFERENT, and breathe excitement into your product launch kit!

What should be included in your digital launch kit?

If you’re wondering “Where do I start?”... have no fear. We’ve created Flipdeck product launch kit template examples to help kickstart your creative thinking and help support a successful release.

Start with the core information that will be at the center of your launch kit:

  • Introducing your new product/service
  • Positioning and strategy
  • Product/service info
  • Ordering info

Next, supplement your core materials with supporting information and resources — depending on your audience’s needs:

  • Customer/buyer information
  • Competitor analysis
  • Sales resources
  • Learning resources
  • Marketing resources
  • Etc.

These examples are designed to get you up and running, but you don’t have to use everything you see here. For a launch kit that meets your needs, ask yourself these questions:

  • Who is our intended audience?
  • How should we tailor our communication strategy for internal teams vs. external partners?
  • What is the core launch information our audience MUST have?
  • What supplemental resources will help empower our audience without overwhelming them with too much information?

two example flipdeck cards

one example flipdeck card showing matching puzzle pieces

Choose the categories that will benefit your business, supplement with your own launch information and documentation, and add on any necessary communication points to meet your audience’s specific needs. When your digital launch kit has both style AND substance, your audience will feel encouraged and empowered to buy in.

A Flipdeck Product Launch Kit is NEW and DIFFERENT. Here’s how:

outline of laptop with cloud at top right

Your competition is sending out a bunch of emails with attachments that get lost. Or, even worse, they’re still dragging around binders stuffed with printed information that is almost instantly out-of-date. With Flipdeck, your launch kit is easy to update, always current, and can be accessed online with a single link.

outline of device screen with play button

When content is hard to find, difficult to navigate, or cumbersome to sort through… it doesn’t get used. Break from the status quo of a tedious slide deck or PDF. Less is more. Differentiate your launch kit with Flipdeck’s simple, visual presentation that’s easy for recipients to use.

outline of magnifying glass focused on a line chart

Your competition can only hope their launch kit is being used. You don’t need to wonder with a Flipdeck Launch Kit… because you’ll know. With Flipdeck’s built-in analytics, you’ll have insights into which components of your launch kit are driving views and engagement.

The Flipdeck platform sets you apart from your competition

browser showing example of flipdeck launch kit

Why send out a bunch of email attachments that can be easily missed and quickly become outdated? A Flipdeck Launch Kit is “always on” and at the ready to present the latest content. Plus, your digital launch kit can be accessible by any device with a web browser. Make your next product launch kit NEW and DIFFERENT and stand out from the status quo with Flipdeck.

View an Example Launch Kit

Would you like your own Flipdeck Launch Kit like this, but don’t have the time or resources to do it yourself? Just let us know! We’d be happy to personalize a digital launch kit for you. Whether you just need initial creation to get you up and running or fully managed services for a truly hands-off solution, we’re here to help.

Stand out from the competition with a Flipdeck digital launch kit

For a limited time, save money on a Flipdeck Launch Kit by purchasing one of our product launch kit packages.


If you have questions about Flipdeck Launch Kits, .