Flipdeck for Direct Sales Teams

Your direct sales team depends on effective content from Marketing to help reps facilitate customer conversations and close more business. If that content winds up unused, is it because it isn't any good? Or is it because direct sales reps can't find and share the specific content they need with customers?

Whether the information is meant for direct sales, inside sales, channel partners, or anyone else, Flipdeck is a low-cost solution that can help organize the content that Marketing produces — so users can find and share the right content, right when they need it.

Watch the Intro

How is Flipdeck different?

Blue icon of a mobile device and a clock to represent quickly sharing sales content on the go.

Quickly organize and share content from Marketing.

Blue icon of two pages of sales content.

Ensure you always have the latest case studies, product brochures, videos, and other sales resources at your fingertips.

Blue icon of a magnifying glass pointed toward a prospective customer.

Match content to customers in a way that is personalized for each individual.

Blue icon of a laptop with a checkmark for improving virtual selling for direct sales reps.

Improve virtual selling for sales reps and empower them to close each sale.

Equip your direct sales team with a helpful tool

Flipdeck web application on iphone and android mobile devices.

Get organized

Can you always find the sales content you need in front of the customer? Or is there an awkward silence while you search through old emails and files from Marketing? Flipdeck uses a highly visual cards & decks approach to put the sales resources you need right at your fingertips. Flipdeck organizes links to your direct sales content, no matter where it is, on Flipdeck cards — and you don't have to move the content.

Be more responsive

Free up time spent searching for the right information. Simply select the Flipdeck card that holds your content and send it in seconds via email. You can also select multiple cards to build a personalized Collection with a custom URL. Send this customized link to customers in whatever method works best for them — including text, social media, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and more.

Be more effective

When you are trying to close a sale, one of the worst things that can happen is a stall out. Don't put yourself or your sales force in a position where you have to search for the materials you need to address customer questions or doubts. Instead, plan ahead by packing all the closing tools you might need in Flipdeck — and carry them around in your pocket. There's no reason to wait until you're back at your desk to close sales with customers.

Be more creative

Flipdeck's sales content delivery platform makes sure everyone on the team has easy access to the latest content from Marketing and Sales Management — but it also leaves room for each user's individuality and creativity. You know the content that works best for you, so if you're missing something you need, or want to personalize your delivery, you can create your own Flipdeck decks and cards. Add your own closing materials to personalize your library with business content that helps you close sales.

Share your knowledge and experience

Do you have a personal content strategy that helps generate interest in your products or services? Is a particular Flipdeck card you created performing especially well with customers? Your personal sales library may be super helpful to other members of your selling team, especially those who are just getting started. Flipdeck makes it easy to share sales content you've created with other users — so individual success can become the team's success.

Example of Flipdeck analytics interface and how it can be used for direct sales management.

Flipdeck Analytics for direct sales management

Flipdeck is an easy-to-use, easily-understood way to organize and distribute the latest information to field sales. Flipdeck's Analytics will show account owners exactly what content is being used by the direct sales team, so you'll know how each piece of content from Marketing is performing. You'll have metrics on what customers clicked on, when they clicked, and how many times they accessed your sales content.

Use the Flipdeck Analytics tool to see the top cards accessed and shared by your team. You can also use this tool to identify the "power users" from a built-in leaderboard, see which teams or regions are most active, and determine who might need coaching.

Get creative with your direct sales team

Flipdeck interface with card and deck examples specifically for direct sales.

Want an easy way to create, distribute, and update your Sales Policy Manual?

Use Flipdeck to create decks for major sales topics, then populate the decks with cards containing the details. When updates are needed, create a new card or update an existing card — and automatically notify salespeople about the new material. That's it.

Want to create a little "competition" among your sales personnel?

Send out Flipdeck cards that report performance by territory or region.

Want to use internal contests for motivation?

Use Flipdeck cards to announce and track results.

Flipdeck's interface displays on laptop and mobile devices.

With Flipdeck:

  • Cards & decks are a familiar concept that is easy for direct sellers to understand and navigate (think trading cards).
  • The right content is always at your fingertips, so salespeople will look more professional in the eyes of customers and clients.
  • Conquer communication barriers between Marketing and Sales.
  • Meet customer needs with personal content Collections.
  • Bring organization into unorganized processes.
  • Easy-to-use, fast start up, and low cost.