Get Your Marketing Content Used and Producing Sales

Flipdeck is built for content used by Marketing teams. Our simple cards and decks approach helps your team connect with Sales — so you know you are pushing out content that is actually being used. Sales will be able to quickly find and use the right content you created for customers.

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How is Flipdeck different?

sales and marketing icon

Bridge the gap between Marketing and Sales.

content icon

Generate content that Sales will actually use.

communication icon

Communicate new content updates with your team.

Maximize the value of your Marketing content

Flipdeck on an iPad

Strengthen the relationship between Marketing and Sales

You'll have visibility on what content Sales is using to close orders, and you'll stop wasting money on content they are not using.

Create and deliver content that helps Sales

Give them more of what they are using and asking for ‐ because they are closest to customers and know what the customers are asking for.

Deliver content in a way that Sales can easily find and send it to a prospective customer. Make your salespeople and your company look organized and responsive. There's no delaying the sales process, no searching through your sent email folder, and no lugging heavy "sales books" around looking for the content you need to give to the customer.

Issuing and controlling content updates

You'll know that everyone in the sales team has current content because you initiate and control the distribution process with Flipdeck. Then, when new or updated information is available in Flipdeck, your sales team gets notified.

Delivering organized content to Sales makes salespeople more efficient — and that means more time for selling. Because they always have up-to-date content in hand, they won't waste your time asking the same questions over and over. You'll have more time to do what you do best.

Flipdeck Analytics for Marketing teams

Is your current system generating more information that you can keep up with? Are you micro-managing the sales process or the Marketing/Sales interface? Is your sales team burdened with feeding information into the "system?"

Flipdeck keeps it simple. You'll know if Sales received the content — and you'll also have metrics on what content users and recipients clicked on, which recipients are responding to emails, how many times your Card Collections are viewed, and more.

Flipdeck dashboard
Flipdeck's interface displays on laptop and mobile devices.

With Flipdeck:

  • Your product marketing team can stop wasting time answering content questions and continue doing what they do best.
  • You won't waste money generating content that is not working.
  • Sales will have what they need to close more orders.
  • It's easy to use, fast start up, and low cost.