"Help! I Need an Effective Way to Curate and Share Content!"

concept graphic of Flipdeck and Postwire

Lee Mayfield

Looking for an alternative to Postwire?

I recently spoke with a customer who was looking for an alternative to Postwire. He needed a new way to share up-to-date, curated content with clients and prospects.

Good news! Flipdeck's Collections feature was designed as an easy way to empower your sales teams to curate and share personalized content landing pages.

After the customer tried Flipdeck, this was his response:

"I'm able to quickly select the information I want to deliver from the inventory of Flipdeck Cards I created. My busy clients get a tailored Collection of links to my content that's professionally presented and visual. I've been able to use Flipdeck to organize my presentation of content to focus my clients' attention where I need it to be, saving everyone time."

Read on to learn how Flipdeck can help you trade "one size fits all" messaging for personalized recipient value.

Simple sales enablement

Flipdeck is a web-based tool that makes it easy to find and share the exact information your customer needs in the moment... and nothing that they don't.

Stage your best content — from presentations and videos to articles, blog posts, web pages, and more — on highly visual, ready-to-go Flipdeck cards. Best of all, you don't have to move the content... just link to it. Because cards are organized into decks for easy access, Flipdeck makes it easy to locate and select the perfect combination of content for your recipient and send in seconds via email.

But that's not all! With Flipdeck's Collections feature, you can easily create personally curated web URLs for clients, prospects, team members, and partners to interact with the content that's right for them.

laptop showing a Card Collection on the screen

What are Flipdeck Collections?

We designed Flipdeck Collections to help you make a great impression with digital, personalized content pages. This feature gives you the ability to:

  • Create curated, visual landing pages for your content
  • Customize content to a specific audience or organization
  • Tell your stories and present with high impact
  • Add a video intro to grab your audience's attention
  • See which content is getting engagement with analytics
  • And more!

Instead of cluttering someone's email inbox with too many attachments (that they probably won't read anyway), add value with content that is specifically curated for your recipient's interests, pain points, and goals.

Start by creating Collections

Select Flipdeck cards from any deck to create a curated, visual "front end" for your content. Customize the Collection with personalized messaging, add images and/or video, include key contact information as a footer, and more.

Flipdeck interface with selected cards

How you want to organize your content is completely up to you. Here are some ideas:

  • Content targeted to a specific partner organization
  • Follow-up information for someone you spoke with at a conference or trade show
  • Documentation for an upcoming customer proposal
  • Related content for a topic that you use over and over
  • Messaging created for prospect pain points or industry verticals
  • A go-to information page for a specific project
  • Pre-sales/marketing resources to educate your sales team

The possibilities are endless.

Flipdeck interface, editing a Collection

Share, impress, and assess

Once created, Collections are easily shared via a publicly available URL (you can also choose to enable password protection, if you wish). Share this URL any way that you can share a link — text, social media, LinkedIn message, Zoom or Teams chat, and more!

When your recipient clicks on the link, they will see your customized, curated content in a visually pleasing landing page.

viewing a Collection on a smartphone

Not only can Flipdeck provide a curated, visual front-end for your existing content, it also can help answer key questions about your content's performance. With Flipdeck analytics, you can see who's interacting with your content, how many times a Collection has been shared, which links are getting the most clicks, and more.

Whether you're a former Postwire user or are simply looking for an effective tool to curate content, Flipdeck makes it easy.

Create an account and try Flipdeck FREE, no credit card required.
Looking for more details? See examples or watch the Flipdeck Instant Demo.
Learn more about Flipdeck Accounts & Pricing Options.
Have questions? We're happy to help! Email us at .