Get More Out of Flipdeck with Our New Dashboard

Flipdeck dashboard on laptop

We've updated the interface to enhance your Flipdeck experience — helping both users and account owners focus on what matters to them.

Simplified user dashboard

Better productivity for users

Why bother with data you don't need? Sometimes less is more. That's why we've revamped the user dashboard to only display the information team members need to stay productive.

More insight for account owners

As account owners, the updated interface gives you data not only on your own usage, but also on how your users and teams use Flipdeck. This information is organized into two convenient dashboards — giving you the utilization data you need to discern where to focus your efforts going forward.

Top Cards chart
Top users in account chart

In a hurry? Get a quick breakdown, fast.

Account owners can now tap the various "score" metrics — or hover over them with a mouse — to access a quick breakdown for that particular metric.

We hope this updated interface gives you an even better Flipdeck experience — making it even easier to get your team on the same page and increase productivity.

Create an account and let the results speak for themselves.

Don't have a Flipdeck account? Create an account and try Flipdeck free.
Learn more about Flipdeck Accounts & Pricing Options.
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