Announcing the Next Generation Flipdeck® Platform

laptop showing the new Flipdeck v2 interface

This major update and upgrade deepens analytics insights, enhances visual impact, and so much more. Check out what's new with our next generation release!

An Even More Visual Interface

Our updated user interface gives Flipdeck an even more modern look & feel. Now, you can see your decks laid out visually all at once — so navigating to the right content is even faster and easier.

new Flipdeck V2 interface

Flipdeck Full View Analytics

Our Flipdeck users asked to know:

  • What content is being used and performing?
  • Which users engaged which content?
  • Who's engaged and who needs a little coaching?

This version, with its next gen analytics, gives you all of that — and a whole lot more!

analytics dashboard

You can now select any card and see all the users that engaged with that content, as well as other helpful metrics, such as click & send information for any card.

analytics dashboard modal - cards ends

The analytics dashboard provides other data to help you understand if your content is working. This includes the ability to see which content has been sent by each user and — perhaps more importantly — whether the recipients are interacting with it.

analytics dashboard modal - user activity

Enhanced Card Collections

The visual impact of our popular Collections feature just got even better — so you can make a great impression with digital, personal content pages.

  • Create enhanced visual landing pages for your content
  • Tell your stories and present with high impact
  • Customize content to a specific audience or organization
  • Add a video intro to grab your audience's attention
  • Know when someone visits your collection page and see which content is getting engagement with analytics
web page with intro video and a collection of Flipdeck cards

We've also made working with collections even faster and easier. A sortable, visual index of all your collections — plus streamlined creation and editing tools — make this feature even more intuitive to use.

card collections UI

Searchable Cards and Decks

Have an idea of what you're looking for, but don't know where to find it? No problem! Our new Search function lets you find matches in card and deck titles, card content, and even links. Type as much of a word or phrase as you know, and Flipdeck will make suggestions.

closeup of search field

Even Cooler Cards

We've made it even easier to view and work with Flipdeck cards. Select a deck to see all cards neatly arranged and simply click or tap to work with them. Selecting cards stores them in a visual queue until you're ready to email them or create a collection.

Flipdeck cards view

Flexible Card Editing

We want you to have the freedom and creativity to tailor Flipdeck cards to your exact needs. That's why you can now customize labels, reorder links, and easily move card sections around. What information your cards feature and how it's displayed is up to you!

closeup of search field

and Much More...

  • Use a hidden "Notes Layer" for your decks or individual cards for internal-only information
  • Favorite cards by tapping the star icon
  • Provide an analytics snapshot for each user
  • And still more...

You're Gonna Love It!

Create an account and try Flipdeck FREE, no credit card required.
Looking for more details? See examples or watch the Flipdeck Instant Demo.
Learn more about Flipdeck Accounts & Pricing Options.
Have questions? We're happy to help! Email us at .