Be prepared for success in a hybrid working environment
Your Zoom or Teams virtual sales calls can be much more effective. Lead your sales teams toward virtual sales success. Have Flipdeck at your side and follow these 6 Virtual Selling Best Practices:
1. Let 'em get to know you.
Send a "Digital Business Card." Choose from pre-built versions stored in Flipdeck to fit the preferred audience. Put a link on your About card to a video of you introducing yourself or add links to Linkedin, blog posts, etc.
2. Create a cheat sheet of content your sales team may need
Select from your Flipdeck cards the sales content you think you may need and email it to yourself — or create a personal Collection. This will give you a visual agenda or cheat sheet of links to have at the ready.

3. Be quick on your feet
Don't panic when the conversation goes another direction or fumble around for the sales content you need. You'll have Flipdeck cards as your "cue cards" wherever the discussion takes you. You and your sales team can instantly share content via email — so your team can confidently stay engaged and your buyers can see the content in real time.
4. Go forward when you see an opening
Don't slow down an interaction that's going well. You'll have sample timelines, reference accounts, and agreements stored in Flipdeck — so they are ready to use or send during your virtual sales call.
5. Be a virtual sales leader by setting the bar high for call follow up
Instill confidence and distinguish yourself by following up immediately with a personalized digest of content that was discussed or requested. You can do this in seconds within Flipdeck — and this kind of responsiveness underscores the great service you will provide.
6. Free up time for creativity and more effective virtual selling
Reduce time spent hunting for the right content and prepping for Zoom and Teams video conference calls — because your "go to" content for virtual selling is organized and accessible in Flipdeck. You'll look like you prepped for hours in just a few minutes.

Is virtual selling a "patch" for your sales teams until "normal" returns? Or is it a new cost-effective way to stay connected with existing customers and reach new geographic markets? Outshine your competition by using Flipdeck for timely digital delivery of your sales content before, during, and following a virtual sales session.
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account and try Flipdeck FREE, no credit card required.
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