Want to Make Your Company a Great Place to Work?
Key Ideas
- Before saying yes, you need to decide if you are willing to make a few commitments.
- Commit to helping the company be successful.
- Commit to doing your assignment with excellence.
- Commit to working as part of a team, not seeking recognition or rewards for yourself.
- Commit to celebrating as a team when your company becomes great.
What would that look like?

It starts with embracing teamwork. Unless you are a one person band, you will be one of a number of people who are supposed to all pull in the same direction to reach the goal. This is the hard part.
In a broad sense, the goal of a business is to survive and prosper so that the employees, owners or shareholders can survive and prosper.
Businesses do that by providing products or services that people or other businesses need or want — and who pay enough so that the business can survive and prosper. It's that simple, but doing it is hard and it takes a great team to pull it off.
A great team (business) has a much better chance of success than a disorganized, uncommitted, unresponsive bunch of people, pulling in different directions, whose goal is to do the least work for the most money. Who wants to work there?
A great company has team members who:
Are generous and share their knowledge and experience to help co-workers (team members).
Keep their word. If they tell you they will do something, they do it when they said they would do it. They know that if they drop the ball, someone else has to scramble to pick up the slack and the company looks bad in the eyes of the customer. No one wants to let down another team member like that.

Respect other people's time by being on time for work and for appointments. They meet their deadlines so others who are dependent on them can do what they are supposed to do.
Take ownership of their own performance issues without justifying, rationalizing or blaming others. They step up to it and fix it.
Spend company money wisely and make investments count by doing the job right the first time.
Continually look for ways to make what the company does more appealing to their customers. Consistently find ways to “wow!” the customer and make them look good.
Strive for personal excellence in what they do. Good enough is not good enough. They know a stretch is good for everyone.
There are some great companies out there. If your company is not there yet, help it get there.

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