Mid-Funnel Sales Tip — Share Content While Mobile

a sales/marketing team having coffee together

Flipdeck is designed to support the human-to-human part of selling — especially the interactions that occur in the mid-funnel like moving from conversations toward the close.

Does this sound familiar?

man using flipdeck on mobile devices

You leave a meeting having promised to follow up with a related case study, sample timeline, or specific price sheet. To make good on your promise, you have to take time out of your day to hunt for the right information, ask busy co-workers for help, or recreate the info you have in your head but can’t find. You end up finding something “close enough” in your email outbox and adapting it. Meanwhile, your customer is waiting.

Access your go-to content

When a high volume of related content is created over weeks, months, even years, looking for that one perfect piece of information can be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Your sales team doesn't need all of your content with them at all times. They just need easy access to a shortlist of key information. With Flipdeck, you can create a central, curated, and relevant feed of your best content and share it with your sales team.

Flipdeck displaying a case study on a mobile phone

Work as a team

top down view of multiple Flipdeck users on mobile devices

Give everyone on your team access to the same central feed of content cards, or create specific feeds for specific groups. Sales personnel can also build their own cards and decks to meet their individual needs. Content cards can contain an image, a small amount of text, and links to content from anywhere — including your corporate website, cloud storage services like OneDrive or Dropbox, YouTube videos, social media pages, and more. Once created, all you have to do it flip through your cards — conveniently organized into trading card style decks — and select the ones you wish to send to your customer.

Try Flipdeck for free to see how this simple application can empower your team to quickly put the right content into your customers' hands.

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