We're excited to announce a special new account type for job seekers that is completely FREE!

Introducing Flipdeck for Job Seekers

You can use it to organize and distribute links to your portfolio, resume, LinkedIn profile... anything you would want to share with a potential employer or industry contact. Be prepared — and stay prepared — to network. Flipdeck keeps your content ready to share when the opportunity arises

We're here to help

Job seekers get a full-featured Individual account with Enhanced Analytics. Keep the account for FREE* while you're still looking for your next career opportunity.

Request Your FREE Account

* Flipdeck accounts under this program can be used FREE for up to 6 months. If you'd like to keep Flipdeck after landing a job, just let us know you'd like to convert to a paid account — or you can close it and pay nothing. If you are looking for a job and want to use Flipdeck beyond 6 months, please .

Create an account and try Flipdeck FREE, no credit card required.
Looking for more details? See examples or watch the Flipdeck Instant Demo.
Learn more about Flipdeck Accounts & Pricing Options.
Have questions? We're happy to help! Email us at .